Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Preliminary Layout Designs

Starting to mess around with the layout. Legend and text box are arbitrary and will change.

Feedback is appreciated as always.

Here is the Black and White one... This map is still pretty rough but will be refined

Stay tuned for more updates as I get closer to finishing.

November 28, Nearly Done!

Almost finished!

Just have a few more things to decide on and a few more things to do.

I still need to label the roads and some of the points of interest such as the pioneer paper mill, visitor center, creek, and trails. After I label those it will be time to make a legend as well

Also, I need to decide on some of the symbology. I replaced the car symbol with a true parking symbol but it is hard to see the actual visitor center and parking lot polygons, so i need to figure that out.

The symbology of the residential property is up in the air as well. Right now I have it filled in with marker symbolgy, which you can see in the image below as little houses in a grid formation. I feel as though it may take some attention off of the other features and trails. I may just change that to a solid color and put the house points back in.

Finally, just need to add the other trails which I already have as GPS waypoints, all I need to do is connect them and then differentiate the color between the three trails, Red, Blue, Orange.

After the colored one is done, I will make a black and white one, as stated in my previous post.

Here it is! Still a little bit left to go but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 13, Update on Deliverables

The Client and I have decided that there will be two maps.

The first map will be a colored one with Bing Imagery as the basemap. This one will be put onto "kiosks" that are located around the trails for people to use as guidance.

The next will will be mostly black and white, used to put onto the backside of pamphlets with other information about Friends of the Kayaderosseras. The trails will be colored as orange, blue, and red.

You can find both images located below. Remember that these are very early phases just to show the direction I am heading. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week of 11/12 : Making Progress!

Hey All,

I've finally finished plotting the points by GPS and I'm in the editing phase now! I'm definitely making a ot of progress, but there are still some dilemmas. For one, some f the basempas provided by ArcGIS online show the features a bit off. Unfortunately I can no longer use those. So, there are a few options and I would love some feedback!

I could use the Bing Imagery which you have seen throughout some of my other posts, or I could make a polygon of the park outline and fill the polygon in. Below is an example of that. Just remember that I am still in the early phases of editing.

I hope to be nearly done with editing by the end of the week!

Here is what I have as of now. However, I am going to speak with the client and show him the wide array of color and basemap options that we have, that way, we can make a decision together.

None of the features on this map are permanent yet and I'm sure that they will nearly all be edited in some way. However, I still need to add the road names, more visible park boundary, orange trail, red trail, pioneer paper mill, visitor center and road to visitor center, trail to the red trail from the visitor center, and some of the roads/houses that are not currently built.

Let me know what you think so far!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Change of Plans

I met with the client to discuss the basemap that was given to me. Collectively, we decided that the Bing Imagery would make for a more detailed basemap. However, now that we are going with that, I will have to edit all of the shapes in such as the housing units, creek, and roads. I was also given some autocad shapefiles that contain lines and polygons that may help.

Editing these shapes onto the Bing Imagery will be my objective for this week.
I will also have to go back to Boice Family Park to finish mapping the trails and parking lots. Apparently when i went last week there was an extremely large amount of error as I was trying to do the Blue Trail and Red Trail. The points were way off and need to be re-done. This will probably happen Wednesday

Here are my plans for the rest of the week:

Tuesday- Begin some of the editing (housing units, creek, park boundary)
Wednesday- Get to the Park to do more GPS work
Thursday- Have all of the GPS points placed onto the map
Friday- Edit more (housing units, roads, creek, park boundary, trails)
Saturday and Sunday- Try to catch up with my weekly work plan and begin to finalize the map

Below is an image of section of trail that I plotted recently, It is the orange section and the top half of the blue. It's also a quick comparison between adding or not adding a basemap.

I will eventually connect the points with a line once I begin to edit.

Look for another post later on in the week for a more finished product!