The town of Milton in Saratoga County, NY has just received
a 100 acre parcel of land which will be used in the creation of Boice Family
Park. With the partnership of the conservation group “Friends of the
Kayaderosseras” and volunteer labor a 3 mile network of blazed trails along
Kayaderosseras Creek and historical sites and railroads will be used for
families, educational groups, and nature lovers alike for passive recreation.
The opening of this park along with its trails raises the need for a
comprehensive map system to allow hikers to navigate through the 100 acres to
the Kayaderosseras Creek and other points of interest. A geographic
information system, ArcGIS will be used to create a map system that can be
posted along trails and on the “Friends of the Kayaderosseras” web page.
- Create a comprehensive trail map
- Clearly and Precisely label Points of Interest
- Create “You are Here” Labels for easy navigation
- Give Maps to Client to put up along trails
In order to obtain the necessary info to create user
friendly trail maps, GPS locations of trails and points of interest will need
to be obtained manually. By hiking the trails and marking the points of
interest, this data can then be loaded onto ArcGIS and overlayed onto a base
map which will be provided by “Friends of the Kayaderrosseras” (obtained from
donor). Once in ArcGIS, labels and legends can be added to create an easy to
read comprehensive map of the park.
Upon completion of the maps, the client will be given two sizes of maps. The first size will be large, to be blown up and placed at an information kiosk at the visitor center as well as strategically placed intersections along the trails. The next type will be small, pamphlet sized maps to be available as a portable trail map to hikers. All maps will be in color and also sent to the client as a .pdf file for future re-printing.
Components and Data Sources
Basemap of Boice Family Park- Environmental Design Partnerships, LLP
- Subdivision Included ( future housing complex, water management systems, roads)
Trails - Trace in via basemap from EDPLLP or GPS
- Historic Trolley Rail-GPS
- Parking Areas- GPS
- Unfinished Roads - Basemap
- Finished Roads- Basemap
- “You are Here” – GPS
- Other Points of Interest (historic factory, NYS fishing access)- GPS
Weekly Work Plan
October 9 - October 16 : Create blog and revise proposal with client
October 16- October 23: Confirm project contract with client, hike Boice Family Park and collect GPS data with client to familiarize myself with the parcel and where it is
October 23-October 30: In Lab - ArcGIS Mapping - Will get final exact sizes that maps will be. Will try to overlay basemap from Environmental Design Partnerships by georeferencing. Will go back to Boice Family Park to obtain more waypoints and hike the trails in their entirety (for GPS tracks if trails from basemap are not feasible).
October 30-November 6: In Lab- ArcGIS Mapping - will begin to put all GPS points on map, start to create parking areas, visitor center, and other Points of Interest like historical sites and trails. Begin to label the points. Make another trip to Boice Family Park if more data is needed.
November 6-November 13: In Lab- ArcGIS Mapping - Try to get a more finished and revised product. Tweak the map for precision and accuracy. Write Historical Blurbs about railway and pioneer paper mill (historic building). Last chance to go to Boice Family Park if necessary.
November 13-November 20: Present draft maps to client for revisions. In Lab- ArcGIS Mapping based on whatever revisions the client would like to see. Also, begin to work on the final poster for the academic celebration at Siena College.
November 20-November 27: In Lab- ArcGIS Mapping. Revisions and Finalization of maps and poster.
November 27- December 4: Finalization and Presentation of the poster for Siena College and the maps for the client.